Heating network rebalancing planning

Heating - general
  • The outcome is heating network rebalancing plan that also identified possible repair needs. The building owner can utilize the plan when creating an offer request for the actual rebalancing work

Video from Ekokumppanit YouTube -channel.

  • Heating network rebalancing planner is in charge of making proper plans for rebalancing and identify other possible repair needs in the network. On the basis of the rebalancing plan the building owner can create an offer request for the actual rebalancing work.
  •   Rebalancing of a building's heating network means adjusting the amount of water in the heating network so that a sufficient amount of water is supplied to each apartment or office in the building. When the power demand is properly proportioned to the existing radiators and the adjustments are in order, ideally each room will have a temperature of 20 or 21 ° C when empty, without additional heat loads. When the building is basically adjusted to a heating system, savings are made in energy consumption.
  •   In terms of energy use, the imbalance of the heating network and large temperature differences in different parts of the building not only cause unnecessary consumption but also bad indoor conditions. In the basic adjustment of the building's heating or radiator network, the water circulation heating system is adjusted to work as planned. The basic adjustment ensures that the water circulates through each heating coil in the network and that the heating is evenly distributed in different parts of the building.
  • A heating network rebalancing plan that also includes the network repair needs and a cost estimate for rebalancing. The building owner uses the plan to ask for implementation offers.
  • Providers are asked in the offer if following criteria are fulfilled:
  •  Previous experience in housing company heating network rebalancing planning (reference list attached to offer)
  •  Will come to present project final results in housing company event in person as agreed with customer
  •  Optional additional special requirements (selected by the Buyer in Offer request creation):
  •  Project Management and supervision throughout the project when the implementation phase starts.
  •  In addition to the requirements above, the Buyer can include self-defined special requirements to the offer request.